Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Keep Painting

While I don't really like to post private information, I wanted to post this image, which unfrortunately requires information. My father had just passed away two days before I went out and painted this watercolor, and I was at that sort of  going-through-the-motions phase where arrangements were being made and condolences were coming in (my father was a very well respected man). When all things were done I took a cue from him, as he never stopped working, and went out to paint. Knowing the situation makes the image seem a little mournful, and I often feel that way about the autumn landscape, but as an image I think it came out OK, and since I did it so soon after my father's passing, I felt it as an honor to him, since he was without a doubt the most inspirational person in my life, and always supported my artistic pursuits.  

1 comment:

  1. We recently unboxed a few art pieces that have been on-waiting for sometime. We are wondering if a space theme is yours. It is signed with your me. Don't known how to send a photo. Thank you, Marlene of Washington
